The 10 Plagues of Egypt in Order

The 10 Plagues of Egypt in Order

The 10 Curses of Egypt in Order

The 10 Plagues of Egypt in Order, In chronological order, the following plagues befell Egypt: water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and the death of firstborn infants. After Pharaoh refused to let the Israelites to escape Egypt, God delivered these plagues, as described in the Bible.


The Israelites, who were selected by God, were enslaved in Egypt when the plagues -curses-occurred. They prayed to God for deliverance from their terrible plight, which they were experiencing in excruciating pain. After hearing their supplications, God chose M0ses to be their leader and guide them out of Egypt.

At first, M0ses begged Pharaoh to let the Israelites go, but the Pharaoh declined. God unleashed the 10 plagues -curses- as a punishment for Pharaoh’s rejection. The 10 plagues described in Exodus were meant to compel

10 plagues of egypt

 10 plagues of Egypt

  1. Blood
  2. Frogs
  3. Lice or gnats
  4. Flies
  5. Livestock
  6. Boils
  7. Hail
  8. Locust
  9. Darkness
  10. Death of firstborn


1. Blood

The river’s fish population plummeted, and the Egyptians were unable to drink the resulting blood-red water.

2. Frogs

There was an invasion of frogs that spread over the entire landscape and even into people’s beds.

3. Lice

The plains of Egypt was covered in bugs that crawled out of the dust.

4. Wild animals

All that stood in their way was wiped off by swarms of wild creatures.

5. Pestilence

The Egyptians lost most of their domestic animals to a devastating plague.

6. Boils


Everyone in Egypt, even the pharaoh, his staff, and the animals, experienced the excruciating torment of boils.

7. Fiery hail

The hail ruined the harvest and down all the trees.

8. Locusts

Every crop and tree fruit was devoured by the locusts as they blanketed the area.

9. Darkness

There was such a blanket of darkness over Egypt that the ancient people had to rely on their sense of touch to navigate.

10. Death of the first-born

Every firstborn son and every firstborn cow in Egypt perished. By marking their door with the blood of a lamb, the Israelites were able to get Pharaoh to free them from captivity in Egypt.

List of the 10 curses of Egypt in order:, 10 plagues of egypt

10 Curses of Egypt in Order, 10 plagues of egypt

The water became blood. (10 plagues of Egypt)

“This is the sign that I am the Lord: the water in the Nile will be turned to blood when I strike it with the staff that is in my hand,” the Lord declares. It will be difficult for the Egyptians to drink water from the Nile because the fish in it will die and the water will turn filthy (Exodus 7:17–18).


The Nile’s water turning to blood was the first plague to strike Egypt. This disease wreaked havoc on Egypt since the Nile river was vital to the country’s survival. God sent the plague through Aaron and Moses.

He led them to the edge of the Nile, where Aaron brandished his staff, striking the water so that it liquefied into blood. A torrent of blood flowed throughout Egypt as the plague killed all the fish in the river. A full week passed during this outbreak.

Pharaoh would not release the Israelites, even though he was horrified.

Flu pandemic

“I shall unleash a frog plague throughout your entire country. In this way, a profusion of frogs will be born from the river, and they will ascend to your home and land in your bedroom, on your bed, in the homes of your slaves, on your people, in your ovens, and in your bowls for kneading. In addition, the amphibians will descend upon you, your subjects, and all your employees.

in fact Frogs invaded Egypt in the subsequent plague. I know this doesn’t seem as bad as the river of blood, but it was actually rather terrifying. When Aaron extended his hand over the Egyptian rivers, a veritable swarm of frogs sprung out all across the country.


Frogs covered all the ground that could be seen, according to the Bible. The Egyptians encountered a plethora of frogs wherever they ventured.

Pharaoh begged Moses and Aaron to ask God to remove the frogs because he couldn’t believe what he was witnessing. Once the plague had passed, he said he would release the Israelites. God had already promised to remove the frogs, but Pharaoh failed to deliver, and the Israelites remained enslaved.

The gnat or lice plague -curses-

God then told Moses to tell Aaron to take out his rod and strike the dust of the soil, turning it into lice over Egypt. Aaron complied. Because Aaron reached out with his rod and smacked the earth’s dust, turning it into lice that bit both humans and animals. Across Egypt, every grain of soil turned into a swarm of lice.

Gnats and lice, or maybe even more insidious insects, flooded Egypt as Aaron pounded the ground with his staff. These insects tortured the Egyptian people, who could not get away from them no matter where they travelled. The Israelites were still not allowed to leave by Pharaoh.

Fly epidemic, (10 plagues -curses-of Egypt)

You and your servants will be swarmed by flies, and your people and dwellings will be invaded as well, if you refuse to let My people leave. Infestations of flies will cover the Egyptians’ homes and the ground they stand on. So that you may recognise that I am the Lord in the middle of the country, in fact I will separate the land of Goshen on that day so that My people who live there would not be afflicted by swarms of flies.

The concept of swarming insects is carried over into the following pandemic. In response to Pharaoh’s repeated refusal to release God’s people, God unleashed a fly plague on the whole Egyptian nation. Except in the territory of Goshen, where the Israelites resided, these annoying flying insects have taken over Egypt.

Animal disease, (10 plagues -curses-of Egypt)

Then I will send them forth to serve Me. If you persist in holding on to them, the Lord’s hand will descend upon your livestock in the field, bringing a devastating disease against your horses, donkeys, camels, oxen and sheep. And the Lord will distinguish between the cattle of Israel and the cattle of Egypt.

in fact Egypt lost all of its domestic animals to the plague of pestilence, which is another name for the plague of cattle.

People in the Bible would have been hit especially hard by this epidemic since they relied on animals for their livelihood. As if that weren’t bad enough, the Egyptians had to dig graves for their own dead while seeing the Israelites’ animals die without harm.

Boils epidemic, (10 plagues -curses-of Egypt)

Here is what God told Aaron and Moses: “Receive handfuls of ash from a fire and have Moses distribute it towards the skies while Pharaoh watches. It will turn into fine dust and spread over Egypt, causing boils and rashes on both humans and animals.

If there is a particularly horrific epidemic, it is this one.

The boil plague was the sixth of the seven curses that struck Egypt. A horrible rash of boils appeared all over the bodies of the Egyptian people as a result of this disease, as the name implies. It must have hurt so much.

Not only did Egyptians endure pain, but Egyptian animals were also afflicted with boils. But there was no harm done to the Israelites.

The hailstorm, (10 plagues -curses-of Egypt)

As soon as Moses extended his rod towards the sky, the Lord spoke to him, saying, “Send hail to all the land of Egypt—on man, on beast, and on every herb of the field.” So, hail fell from the sky, fire sprang from the ground, and the entire land of Egypt was cursed.

The country of Egypt was hit with hail by the hand of the Lord.


The Egyptians were then struck by a hailstorm. There has never been hail like the one that was implicated in this outbreak. Huge, devastating spheres of ice that killed all life on Earth were how the Bible depicts the hail that fell on Egypt.

Some were smart enough to get inside for protection, but those who weren’t were instantly slain. Once more, the territory of Goshen, where the Israelites resided, remained unspoiled.

in fact It appears that the Pharaoh was affected by this plague; as recorded in Exodus, he summoned Moses and admitted his guilt. If the epidemic would end, Pharaoh would release God’s people, he said again. Even if God turned off the hail, Pharaoh still wouldn’t release the Israelites.

The locust plague, (10 plagues of Egypt)

“Look, I am about to unleash locusts into your land tomorrow if you persist in keeping My people captive. And they will hide the land so that no one can see it; then they will devour the remnants of the hail that fall to you, and any trees that sprout for your benefit from the fields.

Despite Moses and Aaron’s best efforts, Pharaoh refused to release the Israelites at their meeting with him.

The prophet Moses foretold that Egypt would endure much more calamity if he disobeyed God, but he paid little attention.

After Moses departed from the Pharaoh’s palace, he raised his arms in the air, which caused a gust of wind to blow in a swarm of locusts from the East. Legend has it that the sun was totally obscured by the sheer number of locusts. Insects wreaked havoc all over the landscape. Once again, Pharaoh pleaded with Aaron and M0ses to put a stop to the plague via prayer. After M0ses gave his approval, God dispatched a wind from the west to exterminate the locusts. But Pharaoh’s heart hardened again when he saw the plague was from God, and he still wouldn’t let the Israelites leave.

Nightmare plague

After then, “God told Moses, ‘Stretch out your hand towards heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, darkness which may even be felt.'” So, for three days, Moses reached upward, and the entire land of Egypt was filled with thick darkness.

Egypt was shrouded in shadows during the final Curse. For several days, there was complete blackout.

The Egyptians were filled with terror at this moment because they could see not a single light in the entire area. In Goshen, where the light was still shining, the Israelites carried on with their lives as usual.

Pharaoh continued to negotiate in response to the epidemic, but he ultimately refused to grant the Israelites total independence. Preparing Pharaoh for the worst disaster yet, M0ses ended their conversation on a dire note. God would travel over Egypt at midnight, he told Pharaoh, and the firstborn of all kinds, human and animal alike, would be killed. Through this affliction, only the children of Israel would be spared.

The Firstborn’s Disease, (10 plagues of Egypt)

This is what the Lord has to say: “At midnight I will go out into the middle of Egypt. And every firstborn in that land will die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh who sits on his throne to the firstborn of the female servant who is behind the hand mill, and all the firstborn of the animals.

Then the whole land of Egypt will hear an ear-piercing scream that has never been heard before.


To show you that the Lord distinguishes between the Egyptians and the Israelites, a dog will not bark at any member of the Israelites (Exodus 11:4–7).

The firstborn in Egypt was slaughtered at midnight. Among them was the Pharaoh’s firstborn son. All of Egypt was in grief over the deaths of their loved ones. The term “passover” was coined for this.

Over the course of that evening, Pharaoh summoned M0ses and Aaron and informed the Israelites that they were free to go from Israel, bearing the curse of God.

Right away, the Israelites set off on their rapid departure from Egypt, having been making preparations for it.

Persistent curses, (10 plagues of Egypt)

The insect population, which the frogs typically control, would have grown exponentially if the river had no frogs. Near the Nile, there would have been a far higher concentration of insects due to the decaying fish and frog carcasses. If such is the case, the subsequent curses may have been precipitated by an invasion of certain insects. Theoretically, the Orbiviruses that caused the field animals’ deaths during subsequent curses in Egypt may have been Bluetongue or African horse sickness (AHS).


These viruses are members of the Reoviridae family and can be transmitted by Culicoides insects. According to Marr and Malloy, a swarm of flies, like the stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans), indicates the fourth plague. Research shows that sustained fly infestations might lead to anaemia and decreased milk production in calves.

Boils that happened during the sixth plague may have been caused by the stable fly, which attacks people as well.

The species is known to harbour the trypanosomid parasites Trypanosoma brucei and Trypanosoma evansi in various regions around the globe. Musca domestica, most commonly known as “filth flies,” is a species of fly that would have multiplied as well.

Because of its long history, adaptation to human environments, and role as a possible disease carrier, the house fly is one of the most pervasive pests in the world. Bacteria like E. coli were among more than a hundred pathogens identified in a recent research. E. coli and Salmonella.


It is not unexpected that individuals would have been seeing a surge in sicknesses due to the prevalence of aureus, viruses, fungus, and parasites, which have all been linked to this prolific bug. Is S. aureus a possible culprit in causing the boils?

10 Curses of Egypt in Order


Similarities between the fifth plague and rinderpest, a virus in the family Paramyxoviridae, are responsible for the annihilation of Egypt’s cattle. Nasal and oral ulcers, as well as a high temperature, are symptoms of this condition. Animals can contract rinderpest through close quarters contact or, in rare cases, through the air. The virus can be transmitted by the respiratory secretions of infected animals, as well as through their faeces, urine, blood, milk, or reproductive fluids.

of course

The subsequent seven, eighth, and ninth curses—the days of darkness, locusts, and scorching hail—may have been brought about by the plume of yet another Santorini eruption, which occurred approximately 1600 BC. Charles Pellegrino, an archaeologist, claims that the 1980 Mount St.

Helens eruption and the ensuing volcanic plume and high-velocity dust storms could have descended on Egypt, transforming days into nights and producing weather anomalies such as increased precipitation and humidity.

Hailstorms of unprecedented severity may have resulted from the mixing of volcanic ash with thunderstorms over Egypt.

This may have set the stage for the notorious desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria) to evolve from its solitary to its more gregarious form, which includes not only a change in appearance—more robust, darker in colour, and more mobile—but also a shift in behaviour.

When hungry, a horde of locusts that weighs one tonne may devour the equivalent of 2,500 people’s worth of food in a single day, and they can swarm over great distances. The plants that survived the hail would be wiped off by this plague.

In reality

The final pandemic, which killed out the firstborn male, was long thought by archaeologists to have been caused by a fungal infection in wheat. Since newborns also perished, and since they most likely weren’t consuming grain, this seems implausible. Additionally, why were certain kids not hurt?

Infected rye grain, specifically ergot fungus (Claviceps purpurea), may have caused the hallucinations, trances, seizures, and violent behaviour that were supposedly indicative of witchcraft during the Salem witch trials in the winter of 1692. It is unknown why ergot afflicted certain settlers while others were unaffected, even if it did not kill them. The Egyptian grain may have been infected by a fungus of a similar kind.


  • where are the 10 plagues of Egypt found in the bible?

Moses and Aaron asked Pharaoh to let the Israelites go, declaring that if he did not, God would display His power by plaguing or causing problems for Egypt. As a result, the signs God sent are known as “the plagues of Egypt.” Exodus 7–10 records nine different plagues. A tenth plague will be discussed in Exodus 11–13.

  • what were the 10 devastating plagues god sent to Egypt?

The plagues are: water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the killing of firstborn children. The question of whether Bible stories can be linked to archaeological discoveries is one that has long fascinated scholars.

  • what are the seven Egyptian curses?

The following are some of the plagues: darkness, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, and water turning to blood. Firstborn infants will also be killed. Scholars have long been captivated by the topic of whether or not biblical stories may be connected to archaeological finds.

  • what do the 10 plagues symbolize?

Ten Egyptian Plagues Means Completely Plagued. Just as the “Ten Commandments” become symbolic of the fullness of the moral law of God, the ten ancient plagues of Egypt represent the fullness of God’s expression of justice and judgments, upon those who refuse to repent.

  • What are the 10 Plagues of Egypt in the Bible?

Water that turns to blood, frogs, lice, insects, cattle bites, boils, hail, locusts, night, and death of firstborns are all plagues. Scholars have long been captivated by the topic of whether or not biblical stories may be connected to archaeological finds.

  • What book is the 10 Plagues of Egypt?

The book of Exodus
  • What do the ten plagues symbolize?

“Totally Plagued” denotes ten Egyptian plagues. In the same way that the “Ten Commandments” came to symbolise God’s whole moral code, the ten ancient plagues of Egypt stand for God’s complete manifestation of justice and judgements, meted out to those who reject his offer of repentance.

  • What is plaque in the Bible?

Water that turns to blood, frogs, lice, insects, cattle bites, boils, hail, locusts, night, and death of firstborns are all plagues. Scholars have long been captivated by the topic of whether or not biblical stories may be connected to archaeological finds.

  • What are the 10 plaque in the Bible?

The plagues are: water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the killing of firstborn children. The question of whether Bible stories can be linked to archaeological discoveries is one that has long fascinated scholars.

  • What is the 7th plague of Egypt?


  • What was plague 5?


  • What was the 1th plague of Egypt?


  • What was the 3rd plague of Egypt?

Lice or gnats

  • What was the 4th plague of Egypt?


  • What was the 8th plague of Egypt?


  • What was the 9th plague of Egypt?


  • What was the 6th plague?


  • What is the 10th & Final plague in Egypt?

Death of firstborn

  • Were the plagues of Egypt real?

It is now commonly believed among archaeologists that the plagues took place at the Nile Delta city of Pi-Rameses, the capital of Egypt under Pharaoh Rameses the Second (1279–1213).

Frequently Asked Questions
where are the 10 plagues of Egypt found in the bible?
Moses and Aaron asked Pharaoh to let the Israelites go, declaring that if he did not, God would display His power by plaguing or causing problems for Egypt. As a result, the signs God sent are known as “the plagues of Egypt.” Exodus 7–10 records nine different plagues. A tenth plague will be discussed in Exodus 11–13.
Were the plagues of Egypt real?
Archaeologists now widely believe the plagues occurred at an ancient city of Pi-Rameses on the Nile Delta, which was the capital of Egypt during the reign of Pharaoh Rameses the Second, who ruled between 1279BC and 1213BC.
what were the 10 devastating plagues god sent to Egypt?
The plagues are: water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the killing of firstborn children. The question of whether Bible stories can be linked to archaeological discoveries is one that has long fascinated scholars.
what do the 10 plagues symbolize?
"Totally Plagued" denotes ten Egyptian plagues. In the same way that the "Ten Commandments" came to symbolise God's whole moral code, the ten ancient plagues of Egypt stand for God's complete manifestation of justice and judgements, meted out to those who reject his offer of repentance.
How long did the 10 plagues last in Egypt?
Roughly forty days passed throughout the plagues.
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