Horus God

Horus God

Facts About Horus God

Horus God, is one of the oldest and most powerful gods in Egyptian mythology. He is the god of the sky and the representation of the pharaoh in life, however when the pharaoh dies, Osiris is the god who represents the pharaoh.

Besides the god of the sky he was also the god of hunting and war. also Horus, the Egyptian god, is usually represented in two ways:


As a falcon or a falcon-headed man with a double crown (that of Lower and Upper Egypt).
As a solar disk with large wings on both sides.

Horus was the son of Osiris and Isis. He was born after the resurrection of Osiris, who had been killed by his uncle Seth.

His mother Isis to protect him from his uncle Seth left Horus in the care of Thoth, who instructed him as a great warrior.


Horus was an important and ancient deity of the Egyptian gods. His name Horus means “He who is above” and is commonly called Heru or Har by the Greeks.

Horus was originally the god of the sky, but he is also known as god of war, hunter god, god of royalty, and others.


He played the role of protector of the ruler of Egypt. His appearance is that of a man with a falcon’s head, holding a scepter and an ankh and wearing a crown of white and red.

The colors white and red represent Upper and Lower Egypt.

Sometimes it is also shown as a falcon, a falcon-headed lion or a falcon leaning on the pharaoh’s neck. During the reign of the pharaoh, it was identified with Horus and the Egyptians believed that Horus manifested in human form.

Family of Horus

Horus was the son of the god and king Osiris. His mother was the goddess and queen Isis, sister also of his father. His procreation came from the resurrection of his father Osiris, after being killed by his brother Seth.


Isis revived him, and after that, she begot the son whom she always protected Horus.

he became a great warrior.

The struggle of Horus against Seth

Once Horus came of age, he fought against Seth to recover the throne of his father, who had supplanted him after murdering him. In one of these fights, Horus lost his left eye. Later, when he recovered it, he gave it as an offering to his father Osiris. Horus ended up being the god of Lower Egypt, while Seth of Upper Egypt. Later, Horus would be the god of all Egypt.

This myth ended up symbolizing the struggle between the aridity of the desert, represented by Seth, and the fertility of the Nile Valley, represented by Horus.

Horus in Egyptian mythology

Egyptian mythology tells how the god of the earth Geb together with the goddess of the sky Nut, his wife, conceives two sons, Seth and Osiris; and two females, Isis and Nephthys. Osiris marries Isis, and Seth marries Nephthys. After the rivalry between the two brothers, Seth kills Osiris

The eye of Horus as an amulet

It had great popularity in Ancient Egypt as an amulet for protection, progress, and indestructibility of the body also a symbol used as a protective amulet with protective and healing powers. It is used to prevent disease and in ancient Egypt, it was used to prevent the disintegration of the embalmed dead.


horus god

Horus was worshipped all over Egypt. The temples of the cult of Horus were built at Edfu and Hierakonpolis in Upper Egypt and at Behdet in the delta Horus was represented in different forms.

But only some of these forms were worshipped by the Egyptians and others were simply built as a cult.



Frequently Asked Questions
What is the function of the god Horus?
Horus is the son of Isis and is in charge of maintaining the balance of nature, protecting beauty, art and hunting. According to the myths of the most important Egyptian gods, he had a bitter confrontation with Seth as a result of which he lost one of his eyes.
Who was Horus and what does he represent?
Horus is the god of hunting, the sky and war. He is also the protector of the pharaohs. He is most often represented with the head of a falcon, the Eye of Horus, and a red and white crown.
Who was the god Horus in Egypt?
Represented with the head of a falcon and doubly crowned, Horus was the god of the sky, the son of Isis and Osiris who had to be hidden by his mother because his uncle Seth also wanted to kill him to prevent him from inheriting the throne.
Who killed Horus?
The sacrifice of the Keeper gave the Emperor time to deal a final blow to Horus. With iron resolve, he gathered all his strength and delivered a massive psychic blow that killed Horus almost instantly and destroyed his soul
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