Islamic History in Egypt after the period of the Pharaohs came the rule of the Persians, but it ended at the hands of Alexander the Great, and the Ptolemies ruled the country until the defeat of Cleopatra and Mark Antony in Actium, and Roman rule and Byzantine rule came until the Islamic conquest came at the hands of the leader Amr ibn al-Aas, and Egypt became an Islamic state and was called Fustat.
Islamic history began in Egypt in the year 639 at the hands of the leader Amr ibn al-Aas after the defeat of the Byzantine army in the Battle of Heliopolis, and the conflicts continued until the conquest and restoration of Alexandria. After the restoration of Alexandria, Amr ibn al-Aas chose a new location to settle near the Byzantine citadel of Babylon and called it Fustat, and Egypt continued under Islamic governments.
It is certain that the Umayyad Caliphate was one of the most prominent Islamic caliphates. Therefore, the leader of the state became known as the Caliph. The Umayyads ruled the Islamic empire for nearly a century The Islamic Empire was administered by the Umayyad Caliphate. Muawiyah became caliph after the First Islamic Civil War Muawiyah I established his capital in Damascus The Umayyad Caliphate ended when the Abbasids seized power.
The Abbasid Caliphate arose after the defeat of the Umayyads, and the Fatimid Caliphate took control of Egypt and established a new capital and called it Cairo until the Fatimid Caliphate fell at the hands of the Ayyubid Caliphate at the hands of Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi, There is no doubt that Egypt, despite all the changes in administration and rule, continued its element. Important in the Islamic world, Egypt and its capital also had wonderful geographical importance, and with the change in rule over the years, the Egyptian people also changed until they converted to Islam.
It is certain that the entry of Islam into Egypt was at a more than wonderful time. The Byzantine Empire regained Egypt only recently. Due to the theological difference between the Coptic Church and the Byzantines, Egyptian Christianity was persecuted by the Byzantine authorities. The Rightly Guided Caliphate simply asked non-Muslims in the occupied territories to pay a tax in return. Exempting them from military service.
Due to the increasing weakness of the Mamluks’ grip on power in Egypt. Thanks to technology and organization, Sultan Selim I, King of the Ottoman Empire, took advantage. The Ottoman army defeated the Mamluks and expanded the Ottoman Empire’s authority over Egypt. There is no doubt that the Mamluks continued as the ruling class in Egypt, It is certain that the Mamluks tried several times to restore independence from Ottoman rule, to no avail.