King Snefru

King Snefru

Facts About King Snefru 

King Snefru, founded the Fourth Dynasty in the era of the Old Kingdom. The period of his rule ranged from 24 to 48 years, and his reign was distinguished by trade and the construction of three pyramids that remained until our time. Sneferu was born into a Middle Egyptian family and grew up near Hermopolis.

He obtained the kingdom by marrying Hetepheres, the daughter of his previous pharaoh, Huni. Huni represents the end of the previous family. According to both the later Saqqara List and the Royal Law of Turin. He had at least three other wives, and they gave birth to an additional number of children.

His eldest son Nefermit, later became a vizier. He had at least a few daughters.

King Snefru Achievements

Founded the Fourth Dynasty after his marriage to Hetepheres, and we know a lot about the news and achievements of Sneferu through the Palermo Stone.

It is a tablet that contains a list of the kings of Egypt from the era of the First Dynasty to the beginning of the era of the Fifth Dynasty, and it records important events, since his era was famous for trade, he had achievements in:

  • Trade exchange with Phoenicia

The economy revived during his reign thanks to his encouragement to establish trade relations with Phenicia (currently Lebanon). He sent a large fleet consisting of forty ships to bring cedar (pine) wood. These woods were used in the manufacture of doors and some of the interior parts of the king’s pyramids.

  • Military achievement

led his country and his people to a better life, shaded by security and peace. He launched a campaign to Nubia to restore security and tranquility to Egypt’s southern borders. He sent campaigns to the Sinai Bedouins, to protect the turquoise and copper mines and trade caravans.

  • Building the pyramids

He built what appears to be a step pyramid at Meidum (Madum). He built the Red and Bent Pyramids at Dahshur. The Red Pyramid is the first successful true pyramid building in Egypt. He is also credited with building at least one of several “provincial” or regional pyramids in Silla. He supervised more construction work than any other king in the Old Kingdom, and the Valley Temple served as a huge entrance to the entire pyramid complex. He also paid attention to construction. Rock inscriptions bearing his name were discovered in the turquoise and copper mines in Wadi al-Maghara in the Sinai Peninsula.

  • Administrative achievement

It appeared for the first time during his reign. The position of Minister (Tiati) and the evidence for this are representatives of the Egyptian regions engraved on the walls of the Valley Temple in Dahshur.

He modernized the administration of Egypt to implement his purposes by building two pyramids in the same place, where he used about 3,842,000 cubic meters of limestone.

Building the pyramids required workers and engineers, and they were One of the administration’s duties was to provide them with housing, food, and water.

King Snefru monuments

During the era of Sneferu’s authority, Egypt was stronger and richer, but his most famous projects were his three pyramid complexes King Sneferu’s pyramid in Meidum A cult pyramid used as a place of worship for the funerary cult of the pharaoh Sneferu moved his court to Dahshur, where he built the first two true pyramids.

The Curved Pyramid of King Sneferu The Red Pyramid of King Sneferu: The core of the pyramid was made of red limestone and it is considered the last pyramid built by Sneferu.

Sneferu’s tomb was not discovered and the body of the pharaoh was not found Egyptologists did not find many temples or cities dating back to the time of Sneferu.

About Snefru 

  • He built the first real pyramids.
  • Khufu, son of Sneferu, built the Great Pyramid.
  • Sneferu was the first pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty.
  • Scientists have not yet discovered Sneferu’s body or his burial chamber.

His goal was to finance his construction projects and keep the country in order. He also developed quarrying methods, their use became widespread, and builders learned how to make pyramids. Scientists have found tombs with some decorations painted on the walls and some carved into the walls.

Frequently Asked Questions
What was Snefru known for?
The pharaoh who built the most wonderful pyramids in ancient Egyptian history, and his son built the Great Pyramid of Khufu in Giza.
Was Snefru a good ruler?
The era of Sneferu was a golden era, characterized by the expansion of trade and he was a benevolent ruler.
Why did Sneferu build 3 pyramids?
Sneferu wanted to achieve an ideal pyramid as his residence.
Who was the best ancient Egyptian ruler?
Ramesses the Great The most powerful Pharaoh due to the expansion of building temples and monuments.
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