We usually refer to eternal life as a reward enjoyed by the departed in the Hereafter after a virtuous life. Existence would then be eternal and static.
But for the Egyptians, nothing was static, perhaps not even death.
In the inscriptions it is common to find two hieroglyphs to express “eternity” The hieroglyph “neheh” is written with the sign of the sun between two braids of flax. With the presence of the Sun, this eternity is a “luminous eternity”
Ankh Symbol is a superior eternity, the eternity of Netjer and His essence.
There is another eternity, “djet”, the eternity that corresponds to the cycles of Creation.
essentially The solar cycle represented by the god Ra, and the agricultural cycle represented by the god Wesir belong to the djet eternity.
The human being, being included in the Creation, is part of the cycle. He lives immersed in the cycle of life-death-resurrection that repeats itself over and over again.
The cycles maintain the movement and avoid the stagnation of life, and therefore, of the human being.
certainly The cyclical wheel of existence leads man to exist in both the visible and the invisible world.
His existence does not stop; at least in theory.
Ankh Symbol Of Life arises in due course but needs to be linked with both worlds, the visible and the invisible. In this way, man can unite his action of the present moment, with that of past and remote moments. Ankh is life at rest that arises and manifests as the person asks for it.
The Ankh (ˁnḫ) (☥) is an Egyptian hieroglyph meaning “life” Ankh Symbol Of Life, a symbol widely used in the iconography of this culture.
Ankh Symbol is also called an ansate cross (cross with the top in the form of an oval, loop, handle, or loop), crux ansata in Latin, the “key of life” or the “Egyptian cross“.Egyptian cross of life – ANKH – a symbol and attribute of immortal gods.
Of course In ancient Egyptian beliefs and symbolism, Ankh Symbol was trusted to bring longevity and eternal health.
In the world of the dead, it was the key to open the gates of paradise and the friendly gods, which brought eternal and happy life.
It also restores the balance of energy and expels all harmful waves caused by diseases and tiredness of the organism.
– Symbol of eternal life (of the soul?) / victory over “physical” death
– Rebirth/symbol of becoming and passing away
– Connection of the human with the divine
– Key to wisdom and knowledge of the secrets of life
– Connection of heaven and earth/male and female
– Reconciliation of opposites/unity of extremes
– Key to maturity of the spirit and soul- Ankh Symbol Of Life
It is certainly surprising that it symbolizes the sun that rises in the sky, and indeed its color is linked to the color of the sun and the color of silver is a symbol of the moon.
essentially An Anch cross is strongly reminiscent of the sign of the female sex as we know it and is related to Venus mythology. (Venus, the planet of the female character). The ancient Egyptian equivalent of the female part of creation is “Isis”.
In Ancient Egyptian culture, the ankh symbolized life and immortality, serving as a powerful and revered emblem.
As a symbol of the imperishable life force, it was depicted on the walls of temples in stelae and appears, engraved in stone, on the lintels of temple doors, thus indicating the places where the contact between men and gods takes place. The Ankh ceases to be only the symbol of the divine breath that allows the life of men on earth and becomes a sign of divinity among men, marking, with its presence in temples:
steles, bas-reliefs, and high reliefs, as the center of a motif adorned by staffs of Anubis and sailing on the Solar Boat.
And As an amulet, the Ankh is said to have the ability to attract and preserve the breath of life and vital forces. There are many engravings and sculptures in which a god or goddess appears with the cross in his or her hand, holding it close to the nose of another god or protégé.
after With this gesture, the bearer of the cross-shaped key breathed the breath of life into the other, who in turn, received it through the nostrils of his or her nose
then the ankh is often used in a variety of meanings that cannot be precisely determined. In popular culture, it is often used as a symbol of immortality or vitality. For example, in subcultures such as the gothic scene, where it is often worn as jewelry, in computer games, and in films such as Escape to the 23rd Century, where it appears as a key to a refuge.
The guitarist Vinnie Vincent wore it in his time with them.
In modern Egypt, the ankh symbol remains a popular motif, often seen in jewelry, art, and various cultural expressions.
It is a circle from above, it is the spirit of the sun god and the gods carried it from the circle as it was a symbol that symbolized something that had no beginning and no end.
The ancient Egyptians believed that the key opens the hidden world of the dead or that it is a key to the graves.
It is also a symbol of mystery through the historical myth of Isis and Osiris. It was used as amulets for good luck or as an offering to the dead to help them in their eternal life.
Since Most of the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic inscriptions symbolize the king and his power to renew life. It was believed that the king was depicted eating to breathe life and spirit.
Until the advent of Christianity, on account of Christians considered it a form of the cross, although it was specific to the Pharaohs, it was worn by all the inhabitants.
On the other hand, it sometimes symbolizes two important elements, which are water and air, and it is a secret of nature.
accordingly Ankh symbol meaning It symbolized respect for the dead through the Book of the Dead.
It was widely used and appeared in paintings and engravings. It is certain that after the death of Akhenaten, his son took over the throne and the symbol continued to retain its importance as it had always been.
It was certainly used for a long time and few religious people objected to its use in life but it was indeed used by Christians and was one of the most important symbols consequently is still used as a symbol of the cross.
Many Christians did not distinguish between the Ankh sign and the cross, as the inverted cross was a symbol of Saint Peter, and from here, and indeed, the inverted cross became a symbol of Christianity.
In general, It is a hieroglyphic symbol that symbolizes eternity. The hieroglyph means life. Over the years, it has been used as a symbol of the unity of man and woman.
They depicted their communication through the Ankh symbol and believed that it gives life to the mummy and opens the doors of death. It was also believed that it was the spirit of the god Ra, the sun god of the ancient Egyptians.
It was considered or believed that in summary it was a means of bringing money and luck and was also used in various rituals and used to heal the sick.
As a result, the Ankh symbol symbolized many symbols such as physical life, the sun on the horizon, immortality, and death.