Al-Mursi Abu al-Abbas Mosque in Alexandria

Al-Mursi Abu al-Abbas Mosque in Alexandria

Things to see at the Al-Mursi Abu al-Abbas Mosque 

Al-Mursi Abu al-Abbas Mosque in Alexandria, has Four domes, a minaret, and an unknown number of arabesques. The mosque of El-Mursi Abul Abbas, with its imposing facade painted in a delicate cream color that matches the urban context in which it is set, is a pearl of rare beauty.

About the mosque:

  • It was built in 1775 to commemorate the Andalusian sheikh whose name it bears.
  • over the centuries, has become one of the most popular places of worship on the White Mediterranean coast.
  • This enchanting mosque is located in Alexandria, the most historic of the city.
  • Alexandria is the home to many other places of interest that make Alexandria a must for travelers who love history and “different” atmospheres.

Abu al-Abbas al-Mursi Mosque | Mosque of Abu al-Abbas al-Mursi | Abu el Abbas el Mursi Mosque in Alexandria

Alexandria city Egypt

Alexandria, The city of northern Egypt is located in the delta of the Nile River, and the main port of the country. It was founded by Alexander the Great in 332 B.C.E., in a fertile region, with a strategic port situation, becoming a few years later the cultural center of the ancient world. It had avenues 30 meters wide, a magnificent harbor, and a gigantic lighthouse to announce to the sailors heading there that they were approaching their destination. As a result, the lighthouse was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

Alexandria city Fcats

of course finely Since ancient times, there have been two ports in Alexandria. In 1870 a breakwater was built, and renovated in 1906, which has expanded the western port making it the best in the eastern Mediterranean, which supports 80% of Egypt’s external maritime traffic, as it can accommodate up to 250 deep-draft vessels, and where the Suez-Cairo-Alexandria pipeline terminal is located, with an oil refinery and the commercial center, customs and numerous warehouses.


It is also used as a base by fishing boats. The eastern port has been converted into a marina.
It is a center of trade in cotton, the country’s main agricultural product, and with an important core of textile, chemical, mechanical and shipbuilding industries and banking center.

Early Islamic Period in Egypt

Islamic history began in Egypt in the year 639 at the hands of the leader Amr ibn al-Aas after the defeat of the Byzantine army in the Battle of Heliopolis, and the conflicts continued until the conquest and restoration of Alexandria. of course After the restoration of Alexandria, Amr ibn al-Aas chose a new location to settle near the Byzantine citadel of Babylon and called it Fustat, and Egypt continued under Islamic governments.

Important Of Mosques in Egypt

Mosques in EgyptEgypt will be the best place if you enjoy visiting many mosques and enjoying Islamic architectural decorations and arts. Many mosques date back to ancient times and are still as they are. You will see wonders that will leave you in amazement. Therefore, you should visit mosques in Egypt.

Abu al-Abbas Mosque

Abu al-Abbas Mosque overlooks the eastern port in the Anfushi area, and is built in the Andalusian style The most important feature of the mosque is its decoration in the Arabic and Andalusian style The tomb of Abu Abbas and his two sons, Abu al-Abbas Mosque demonstrates mastery of Islamic design principles, with its intricate details, geometric patterns and harmonious proportions.


Abu Al-Abbas grew up in a religious environment that prepared him for Sufism in the city of Alexandria for about 43 years He died in the year 686 AH The most prominent men of the Shadhiliyya order.

Mosque area

The mosque’s land area is 3000 square meters The length of each side is 22 metres. The dome and minaret are located on the tribal side The mosque was completely neglected until the Prince of Alexandria ordered Ishaq Al-Zahi’s canvas to be rebuilt The most notable renovation and expansion occurred in 1775 AD King Fouad I ordered the construction of a wide square called the Mosque Square of course A large mosque was built for Abu Abbas Al-Morsi and a mosque for Imam Al-Busiri and Sheikh Yaqut Al-Arsh.

Prayer Hall

The main prayer hall is a spacious area where worshipers gather to perform congregational prayers. of course The hall is characterized by a large central dome supported by columns or arches.

In addition the Sufi orders hold large celebrations in the surrounding streets, and the mosque’s courtyard is filled with visitors.


Frequently Asked Questions
When was the Sidi Morsi Abu Al Abbas Mosque built?
Al Mursi Abu Al Abbas Mosque built primarily in 1775. It built over the tomb of a Spanish scholar and saint.
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