The archaeological site of Tuna el Gebel cemetery in Al Minya is located in the vicinity of Amarna, once the capital of the Egyptian empire. Its ruins extend over an area of about 3 kilometers. The oldest monument belongs to the tomb of Akhenaten, ruler of Egypt during the time when Amarna was its capital.
Tuna Al-Jabal came from the word Ta-Wont or Ta-Hunt, which means the land of the pond or the sacred lake, and Ta-Uns, from which Tuna and the word mountain were derived because it is located in the arms of the mountain.
Tuna Al-Jabal is located about 18 km west of Malawi, Tuna Al-Jabal was chosen in the late era to be the tombs of the 15th region instead of the east to escape the Nile flood and grave robbers, and Tuna Al-Jabal is characterized by many factors on the basis of which it was chosen to be the land that preserves, immortalizes and remains forever.
In its 1,100 meters long we can see a baboon with sarcophagus, which was dedicated to the god Thoth. They are called the “sacred catacombs of Thoth”, and are a highlight of Tuna el Gebel, as they are quite unusual in Egypt. It contains a temple of the Ptolemaic period (Alexander IV) and in the part of the chambers have been found ceramics, bronze statues, mummies and other objects that are generally found in the museum of Mallawi. The Aramaic papyri from the period of Persian occupation inside jars found in the catacombs stand out.
About 2 km from the enclosure of Tuna el Gebel there is the stele that marked the boundaries of the city of Akhetaton (Tell el-Amarna) where the family of the pharaoh (and this one) is drawn in several positions. It is a chapel dug into the rock found by French Jesuit Claude Sicard in 1714.
Petosiris, also called Anjefenjonsu, was a dyw wr, high priest of Thoth at Hermopolis Magna, in the service of the gods Sekhmet, Jnum, Amun-Ra and Hathor.
Son of Sishu and Neferrenpet, he was a high-ranking official in the 4th century BC, during the transition period between the Achaemenid and Macedonian periods. He was also a royal scribe and lesonis of the temple of Thoth.
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